This workshop has a limited capacity of 24 persons per group
Lead author:
Ana Deligiannis (SUAPA)
Eva Pattis Zoja (CIPA)
Caterina Vezzoli (CIPA)
Mónica Pinilla (SCAJ)
John Gosling (SAAJA)
Maria Claudia Munevar (SCAJ)
Self-experience: Playing with sand/Witnessing in silence
Since its origin in 1930 with Margaret Lowenfeld, and in the sixties with Dora Kalff, Sandplay has become an important expressive practice in Analytical Psychology. Since 2008 an international team of Jungian analysts developed Expressive Sandwork, a structured intervention by volunteers for children in situations of social vulnerability and in emergency situations.
Sandplay and Sandwork both share a common experience which is playing with the sand in a sandbox with miniatures in the presence of a witness who empathically accompanies the process. In this workshop, the focus is on the self-experience of playing and witnessing.
This 3-hour workshop will be conducted in a group setting and the participants will work in pairs. It will be structured in the following way:
a. Brief theoretical introduction. b. Break out into pairs: one person will be a player, the other a witness, and then roles are switched for the second part of the experience. c. The player engages in free play in a sandbox with a wide choice of culturally relevant miniatures while the witness observes in silence – 40 minutes. d. Roles are then reversed – 40 minutes. e. Both experiences are shared in small groups facilitated by one of the facilitators.
Number of participants: 24 in the morning and 24 in the afternoon = max. 48 participants.
Language: Since a part of the experience will be verbal sharing, we will offer the workshop in 2 language groups: English and Spanish. In the registration process each person should specify which of the 2 languages he/she prefers.
Facilitators: Eva Pattis (CIPA), Caterina Vezzoli (CIPA), Monica Pinilla (SCAJ), John Gosling (SAAJA), María Claudia Munevar (SCAJ) and Ana Deligiannis (SUAPA)