Sunday, 24 Aug 2025 #
- Type of event
- Pre-Congress Workshop 3
Ana Deligiannis, Eva Pattis Zoja, Caterina Vezzoli, Mónica Pinilla, John Gosling & Maria Claudia Munevar - Self-experience: Playing with sand/Witnessing in silence
- , Gartensaal 1C -
CNASJA Meeting
- , Seezimmer 1B -
- Type of event
- Master Class of Supervision III
August J. Cwik - Master Class of Supervision III
- , Boardroom -
- Type of event
- Master Class of Supervision I
Susanna Wright - Master Class of Supervision in the context of Training
- , Seezimmer 6 -
- Type of event
- Pre-Congress Workshop 1
Antonella Adorisio & Margarita Mendez - New perspectives on Active Imagination in Movement: the Knowledge of the Heart and the Spectrum of Colors of the Soul
- , Seezimmer 1A -
- Type of event
- Pre-Congress Workshop 4
Emma Ting Wong & Robin Zeiger - Sharing Liminal Space of the Non-understandable: Dreams, Meditations, Movements and Melodies
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
- Type of event
- 11. Forschungstagung INFAP3
Was ist denn in dich gefahren? Komplextheorie - Grundlagen, Forschung und Anwendungen
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
- Type of event
- Pre-Congress Workshop 2
Tina Stromsted, Eileen Nemeth, Lisa Malin, Kate Jobe & Nancy Gurian - Active Imagination: Engaging the Wisdom of the Body in Navigating Experiences of the Non-Understandable
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Council of Societies Reviews
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Council of Societies Review
- , Seezimmer 1C -
- Type of event
- Master Class of Supervision IV
Jan J. Wiener - Master Class of Supervision IV
- , Boardroom -
- Type of event
- Pre-Congress Workshop 1
Antonella Adorisio & Margarita Mendez - New perspectives on Active Imagination in Movement: the Knowledge of the Heart and the Spectrum of Colors of the Soul
- , Seezimmer 1A -
- Type of event
- Master Class of Supervision II
Donald E. Kalsched - Recognizing Defensive Patterns in Dreams as a Key to Deepening the Analytic Process
- , Seezimmer 6 -
- Type of event
- Pre-Congress Workshop 3
Ana Deligiannis, Eva Pattis Zoja, Caterina Vezzoli, Mónica Pinilla, John Gosling & Maria Claudia Munevar - Self-experience: Playing with sand/Witnessing in silence
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Opening Reception in the Kongress Vestibule
- , Kongresssaal -
Monday, 25 Aug 2025 #
Sina Rees - Experiential Group: Gibberish Meditation: Expressing the Inexpressible
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Dominique Lepori & Jens Preil- Dream sharing - Once upon a time...
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Welcome Address by Pilar Amezaga
- , Kongresssaal -
Thomas Fischer, Ann Lammers, Susanne Eggenberger-Jung - Dedicated to the Soul: Emma Jung’s Life and Work
- , Kongresssaal -
Coffee break
- , Kongresssaal -
Joe Cambray - From Individuation, through Synchronicity to the Psychoid Imagination and the Reenchantment of the World
- , Kongresssaal -
Mercurius Prize Award
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Ann Addison - The individual in the face of culture: The evolution of a concept
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Robert Bump - James Baldwin on the Shadow of White America
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Lara Newton - Living an Imaginal Life: a poetic journey
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Margarita Ovalle - Circular Time and archetypal psychology. On the way to understanding the incomprehensible.
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Lara Lagutina - The abyss of the psychic void and the role of dreaming together in working with early relational trauma
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Nancy Furlotti - The Nature and Source of Creativity
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Ursula Brasch - Tianxia da luan" 天下大乱- great disorder under heaven
- , Gartensaal 2 -
IAAP Training WP - Research on Culture
- , Seezimmer 6 -
Livia Di Stefano & Caterina Vezzoli - Confronting the experience of the non-understandable: Active imagination in the treatment of trauma
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
John Beebe & Chenghou Cai- Divination and Consciousness
- , Kongresssaal -
Denise Gimenez Ramos & Liliana Liviano Wahba - Greek myths and their deleterious messages for today's women development
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Deborah Bryon - Jung’s Contribution to Intersubjectivity and Fractal Dynamism in Analytic Practice
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Amanda Dowd - Lest we forget: the traumatic legacies of colonisation and the colonial mind, unrepresentable loss and the death and disappearance of children
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
D. Steven Nouriani - Exploring and Understanding the Origins of Visions
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Barbara Friedman - The Healing of Medusa: A visual dream journey.
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Min Zhang - Archetypes Expressed in Poems: Encountering the Primitive Psyche of Ancient Chinese People ( 《诗经》中的原型:与中国人的原始心灵相遇)
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Robin Zeiger - Confronting the Non-Understandable in Times of War: Despair & Seeds of Hope in the Dirty Bathwater
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Danny Solís - Latin American creativity: strokes of a regional reality as a source of connection with the non-understandable
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Margaret Klenck - When Interpretation is a Violation of the Unknowable
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Coffee break
- , Kongresssaal -
Jörg Rasche- Joerg Rasche: Spinoza
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Patrizia Peresso - Research on dreams series as indicators of the ‘vitality factor’: a way to approach the non-understandable
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Joel Kroeker - “I’ll meet you there: Out beyond empathic limits and the clash of political ideology in the consulting room”
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Isabelle Meier - Medusa, Freeze and Transformation
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Doris Lier - Beginning and End
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Michal Troudart & Michelle Mendelowitz-Yuval - Images of the non understandable: Where there are no words.
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Elizabeth Leuenberger, Claudio Mele & Petra Von Bechtolsheim - Transformation of the feminine and Eastern spirituality as seen in materials from the Picture Archive of the C.G. Jung Institute Zürich
- , Gartensaal 1C -
IAAP Training WP - Training Models
- , Seezimmer 6 -
Sonu Shamdasani & Caitlin Stephens - Concerning the Critical Edition of the Works of C. G. Jung
- , Gartensaal 1B -
IAAP Ethics Committee I
- , Boardroom -
M. Saiz, P. Abalos Barros, C. Grez, M. S. Toloza Gallardo, M. Porre Ibacache, J. Falcone & G. Campi - A Rhizome of the Non-understandable: Gender Diversity and the Emergent Androgynus in Clinical Prac
- , Kongresssaal -
Marie W. Chiu - Individuation while Honoring Parents and Ancestors: A contemporary challenge for Hong Kongers examined in light of various cultural containers
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Nancy Robinson-Kime - The Passion of Understanding
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Adrienne Margarian - Return of the Triad: Reimagining Oedipal and Elektra dynamics in clinical practice
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Krzysztof Rutkowski, Magdalena Konop & Jerzy Sobański - Electrodermal activity in therapeutic relationship. 120 years after C.G.Jung.
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Vladislav Solc - Conspiracy Theory Qanon: The Myth of False Prophets
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Gustavo Barcellos - Hermes and Janus: doors, walls, frontiers
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Douglas Whitcher - Narrative Identity and the clinical use of Fairytales
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Rosario Puglisi - “From C. G. Jung to Raimon Panikkar: towards a new ecology of mind”
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Eckhard Frick - Called or uncalled? A Jungian approach to a spirituality after the spiritual turn
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Giedre Bulotiene - Unconscious images as initiation into the mystery of death
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Gabriella Calchi Novati - Troubled/Troubling Mother Archetype - Annihilation Anxiety in the so-called Anthropocene
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Yasuhiro Suzuki - Bardo, Noh plays and Zeitgeist in Japan ~Getting through the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukraine crisis~
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Goda Rukšaitė - Not/understandable sources of resilience
- , Kongresssaal -
Ann Lammers - Neumann’s concept of the “ego-Self axis,” beginning with The Roots of Jewish Consciousness
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Nathan Fraikin, Roderick Main, Victor Jorge Krebs & Jingchao Zeng - Panel : "Synchronicity as a non-understandable experience"
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Sara Sage, Adina Davidson & Raisa Cabrera - Archetypal Potentials and Expansive Views of Gender
- , Gartensaal 1A -
IAAP Inclusivity WP
- , Boardroom -
IAAP Education Committee DG presidents & routers + LPs
- , Seezimmer 6 -
Julia Kaddis - The analyst’s gender transition and the challenging impact on the therapeutic relationship: feelings, thoughts and reflections
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Elena Gigante & Augusto Romano - Towards an aesthetic perspective. The unheard music of C.G. Jung
- , Gartensaal 1B -
David Johnson - Numinosity and the Quest for the Infinite
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Daniel Ross - Rose's Stone Soup: Synchronicities at the End of Life
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Pierre Willequet - Plants of vision : at the limits of analytical experience
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Xiaoyan Qian - Cultural Aspects of the Mother Complexes of Chinese Women in Analysis
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Ginny Hill - Therapy for the dead: working clinically with Jung’s Black Books and The Red Book
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Mari Yoshikawa - When Monsters Appear; An Analytical Psychological Study of the Japanese Collective Unconscious After World War II
- , Kongresssaal -
Luis Moris - C. G. Jung and the non-understandable question of life after death
- , Gartensaal 2 -
John Hayes - The Dark Numinous: Pathologies and Transformations
- , Seezimmer 1A -
- Type of event
- Book launch
Jung Journal's Presentation
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Dramatic reading by The IRSJA Players - The Mystery Play of C.G. Jung
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Lena Måndotter - Concert and film "Songs of the soul"
- , Kongresssaal -
Tuesday, 26 Aug 2025 #
Sina Rees - Experiential Group: Gibberish Meditation: Expressing the Inexpressible
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Dominique Lepori & Jens Preil- Dream sharing - Once upon a time...
- , Gartensaal 1A -
- , Kongresssaal -
Marian Dunlea - BodyDreaming - An Approach for our Times
- , Kongresssaal -
Cabaret Voltaire
- , Other locations -
Coffee break
- , Kongresssaal -
Kristina Schellinski - On Death, Hope and Soul: When the Self compensates Chaos
- , Kongresssaal -
Laner Cassar - In Arachne’s spirit: The 'Dream-Weaving Method' – An experiential group approach to Imaginative Movement Therapy
- , Gartensaal 2 -
- Type of event
- Book launch
Journal of Analytical Psychology Presentation
- , Other locations -
Sarah Hall - Dreamcovery: A Jungian analysis of the meaning and clinical significance of drug-dreams
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Volker Münch - The „extravert“ individuation in jungian group analysis – regarding our responsibility for society.
- , Boardroom -
Claudio Mele - What influences destructive behaviours particularly as seen in a collective context since the turn of the century and what role is there for the psychoanalytic community?
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Marcel Gaumond - The violation of territories: nuclear wounds impossible to heal?
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Peter Demuth - The Beast in the Jungle: Hidden obstacles on the path to Individuation and Wholeness
- , Seezimmer 1C -
IAAP Fundamental Values WP
- , Seezimmer 6 -
Moshe Alon & Lidar Shany - Child Analysis and Death
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Poster Presentation I
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Ann Belford Ulanov - Old Age and The Nigredo
- , Kongresssaal -
Andreas Maerker & Rahel Bachem - Cultural script of trauma: Clinical-academic research from Zurich
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
August J. Cwik - Fusional States: Where Do I End and You Begin?
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Harald Atmanspacher - Dual-aspect monist and panentheist approaches toward ineffability in Jung's thinking
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Beth Foley - Working with Malignant Altruism
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Stephen John Foster - Adaptation, individuation and the climate crisis
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Svetlana Zdravkovic & Gerhard Burda- On the edge of experience
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Robin McCoy Brooks - The Social Significance of Analytical Psychology: A Jungian and Moreneian Informed Hermeneutic for Group Psychotherapy, and Social Change
- , Boardroom -
Jerome Braun - Therapeutic Psychedelics and Non-understandable Experiences: Bridging Jungian Psychology with Shipibo-Konibo Indigenous Wisdom for Healing & Individuation
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Coffee break
- , Kongresssaal -
Mariella Battipaglia & G. Curatola- Bodily phenomena and experiences of the non-understandable: the Body as a category of analytic listening
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Susan Schwartz - Narcissism and Self-Deception
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Andreas Schweizer - Approaching the non-understandable Jung
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Barry Williams - Death of a Child: The Self as "Spiritus Rector" of Grief
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Stefano Carpani - The Relevance of Analytical Psychology to the Socio-Cultural Challenges of the 21st Century. A discussion with: Verena Kast, Tom Kelly, Karin Fleischer and Stefano Carpani
- , Kongresssaal -
Chiara Rogora & Virginia Bizzarri- Living in the non-understandable: adolescents, parents and society
- , Gartensaal 2 -
IAAP Supervision Sub-Group
- , Boardroom -
Ralf Vogel - Exploring the Secret - Contemprary Psychotherapy Science, the unkowable and the benefit of the arts
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Donald E. Kalsched - Remembering the Unremembered Child in Work with Early-trauma Survivors
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Isabelle De Armond - Psychic Folds and Time
- , Seezimmer 1C -
John Hoedl, Dan Cross & Michael Whan - Looking Once More Into The Night: Reflections on the "Un" in "The Unconscious"
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
IAAP Academic Subcommittee
- , Seezimmer 6 -
Nora Swan-Foster - Spontaneous image-making: using a red book process for exploring countertransference as an “organ of information”
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Judith R. Cooper - Metaphors as Trickster: Disrupting the ordinary with the paradoxical energy of words
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Giorgio Cavallari - The killled children in the dream of a patient and in the black book of Jung: Jungian analysis and humanism of birth
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Kenneth Kovacs - Jung and His Theologians
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Karin Fleischer - Embodied Analysis: from symbolic expression to sensory-affective psychoid phenomena
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Jane Clapp - Social Media and the Collective Unconscious: Archetypal Algorithms and the Colonization of the Psyche
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Joanna de Waal - The Totally Beloved Other: Taking a Contemporary Lens to Anima, Animus and the Syzygy
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Teodora Taneva - The Transgenerational Placenta: Life in The Death-Incubating Womb of The Terrible Mother
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Renate Daniel - The Self and its mystery
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Tadashi Maeda - Theory and Practice of the non-Understandable World: New Jungian Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia, 150 Years After Jung's Birth
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Stephen Garratt, Robert E. Bosnak, Tine Papič & Stephen Aizenstat - Artificial Intelligence & Analytical Psychology
- , Kongresssaal -
John Gosling, Ana Deligiannis, Vladislav Cunets & Mónica Pinilla Pineda - The Non-understandable Revealed in the Sandboxes of Traumatized Children
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Barbara Fionda - Body image, unknown body: mechanisms of self-objectification of adolescents within the analytical setting
- , Seezimmer 1A -
IAAP Mediation
- , Seezimmer 6 -
IAAP Child & Adolescence
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Sylvester Wojtkowski, Christopher Hauke & Gustavo Barcellos - Challenges to the psychoanalytic attitude in a divided society - panel proposal
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Erica Matos dos Santos & T. Deola - A possibility of looking at Cisgenderity from the perspective of analytic psychology
- , Gartensaal 1A -
IAAP Ethics Committee II
- , Boardroom -
Amy Lamborn - The Chora and the "problem of the fourth"
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Melinda Haas - From Cronos to Kairos and Back
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Kelly Polanski - Finding the Spiritus Vitae Lost in First Year Trauma of the Adult
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Eve Maram - The Schizophrenia Complex: Feeling Our Way to a New Attitude
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Carmela Mento - Where am I now? Clinical reflections on the analytical treatment in complicated grief
- , Seezimmer 1B -
OPUS Archive Presentation
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Apéro for Tom Singer's work
- , Other locations -
Eva Pattis Zoja - Documentary film: “A million grains of sand”
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Concert JUETZ
- , Kongresssaal -
Kathrin Asper, Maria Bernasconi, Katharina Casanova - Folktales in Switzerland
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Wednesday, 27 Aug 2025 #
Sina Rees - Experiential Group: Gibberish Meditation: Expressing the Inexpressible
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Dominique Lepori & Jens Preil- Dream sharing - Once upon a time...
- , Gartensaal 1A -
- , Kongresssaal -
Audrey F. Punnett - Jungian Child Analysis: Contributions in Clinical Practice and Contemporary Theory
- , Kongresssaal -
Toshio Kawai - Non-understandable world of ASD: therapist's implicit understanding and subsequent deepened understanding
- , Kongresssaal -
Coffee break
- , Kongresssaal -
Konstantin Rössler - A Late Confirmation? Review of C.G. Jung's Understanding of Dreams in the Light of Modern Dream-Research
- , Kongresssaal -
- Type of event
- Book launch
Kathrin Schäppi: C.G. Jung - The Basel Years. A walking guide incl. visions, dreams, and painting
- , Other locations -
Meeting of Delegates
- , Kongresssaal -
Gideon Horowitz - Tales of magic and mystery
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Vernissage picture exhibition at C.G. Jung institute
- , Other locations -
Film and panel: Thomas B. Kirsch in Conversation with Murray Stein in the Home of C.G. Jung
- , Kongresssaal -
Thursday, 28 Aug 2025 #
Sina Rees - Experiential Group: Gibberish Meditation: Expressing the Inexpressible
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Dominique Lepori & Jens Preil- Dream sharing - Once upon a time...
- , Gartensaal 1A -
- , Kongresssaal -
Andrew Samuels - What has changed? Has anything changed? What needs to change? Does anything need to change: Late-career reflections on international analytical psychology
- , Kongresssaal -
Coffee break
- , Kongresssaal -
Leslie Stein & Corbett - The Place of Psychedelics in Jungian Analysis
- , Kongresssaal -
Journal Club (non-public event)
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Marina Gallozzi - Analytical Psychology and Training through experiential groups: body, image and words
- , Gartensaal 2 -
What is happening: Discussing the Alchemy of the IAAP-Congress
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Svitlana Shevchenko - Analysis and the war. 30 km from the front line
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Dmytro Zaleskyi - Member of Czech Institute for Analytical Psychology – CIAP. Member of Ukrainian Developing Group
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Yasuhiro Tanaka - Maior autem animae pars extra corpus est (The greater part of the soul is outside the body): Jungian psychotherapy based on the concept of “psychological difference”
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Birgit Heintz - 30 Jahre pferdegestützte Praxis in Analytischer Psychologie – archetypische Dimensionen und Forschungsergebnisse
- , Boardroom -
Maria Carolina Concha, Sylvia Cova, David Alfonzo & Luis Pulgar - The Memory of Fire: Collective elaboration of a dream within the Venezuelan Association of Analytical Psychology (AVPA)
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Jan J. Wiener & Henry Abramovitch - The Mystery of Ending Analysis: A Creative Dialogue
- , Kongresssaal -
Christian Roesler, Erik Goodwyn, Jon Mills & Mark Saban - Joint Presentation and Panel Discussion on: The Controversy on Archetype Theory
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Jill Fischer - Trauma - A World-Wide Mental Health Crisis - Analytical Psychology in the 21st Century
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Poster Presentation II
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Morgan Stebbins & Allison Avery - The Not-Understandable as the Trauma of the Times
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Wen-Yu Cheng & George Prigatano - Analytical Psychology, Neuropsychology, and Aging: Integrating Jung’s Insights into Sustaining Dignity and Purpose Amid Cognitive Decline
- , Seezimmer 6 -
Marinella Calabrese & Gabriella Marventano - Experiences of the non-understandable: miracles and other manifestations of the invisible in matter
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Sylvester Wojtkowski - Journey of Self-Othering
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Vered Arbit & Gadi Maoz - The Living Dead - and Dead Lives: Jung’s Seven Sermons to the Dead and the Treatment of PTSD
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Maria Teresa Aydemir - "I knock at the Stone's Front Door." War and Stone: Reflecting on the Unthinkable. Report on Work of a War Analyst
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Ruth Williams - Telepathic communication with animals, what they can teach us, and other ‘spooky’ phenomena seen through a psycho-spiritual Jungian lens
- , Boardroom -
Coffee break
- , Kongresssaal -
Max Jakob Lusensky - Dreaming what myth onward?
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Cécile Buckenmeyer - Imagined Places: Landmarks and Navigation
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Birgit Heuer - Clouds of Knowing - Deep Reason in Jungian Analysis and Arts-Based Research
- , Boardroom -
Jetthe Fabioola - Jetthe Fabioola My Favorite Nightmare: Individuation crisis in preschoolers. Focusing on the role of the Female Hero in girls' individuation and ego-development
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Riccardo Bernardini - The Blue Book of Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn, founder of Eranos
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Valentino Franchitti - When the child was a child. Carl Gustav Jung's thought still vibrates
- , Seezimmer 6 -
Linda Carter - Doing No-Thing
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Angelica Löwe & Judith Noske - Angelica Löwe and Judith Noske “Bohemia Lies by the Sea“: Placelessness and the Wish to Perish; Thinking about patient´s despair and the analysts´s work
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Alex Sierck & Tiffany Houck-Loomis - Lashing Oneself to the Non-Understandable: The Adventure of Psychoanalysis
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Robert Tyminski & Monica Luci - Walls and screens: Material and immaterial barriers and gates of contemporary life
- , Kongresssaal -
Catherine Cox & Schwartz - Communitas: New Directions in the Jungian Community
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Arthur Niesser - The journey into retirement
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Vicente Luis de Moura - The patient Jung learned from - Jung’s understanding of the East, transference, synchronicity and mandalas in a important case of his clinical practice
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Diana Oxley - The Myth of Myrrha: Revisiting Jung's Theory of Personality Development
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Andrei Tudor Chiriac - Archetypal images as a diagnostic element in psychotic episodes
- , Seezimmer 6 -
Sonia Regina Lyra - Approaches to the unspeakable 3rd level Active Imagination
- , Boardroom -
Eve Pilyser - The existence and activation of the diabolic pole of the child's archetype: new theoretical developments in understanding the clinic of incest and anorexia nervosa.
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Sarah Jackson - "Individuation Made Visible: the Landscapes of Edvard Munch
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Rafael Rodrigues de Souza - The shadow of Jungian Analysis Training Program
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Victor Roberto da Cruz Palomo - The civilizational complex of racism: the "Syriac case"
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Beverley D. Zabriskie - Transference – A Neuroscience View of Analytic Al-chemistry
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Carla Albano - Dealing with maternal complex in Sandplay
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Nami Lee - Evil in Confucianism and Taoism through a Jungian Lens
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Kaj Noschis - Manifestations of the unconscious in the presence of analysand and analyst
- , Boardroom -
Stefano Carpani - The new myth of analysis: Forging a neo-Jungian Agenda for Analytical psychology
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Massimiliano Scarpelli - The Sphere and the Blackness: a dark dream of the body
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Davide Favero, Stefano Candellieri, Stefano Maria Cavalitto & Valentino Franchitti - Expressing the unutterable: Analytical Psychology as a poetic practice
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Kumiko Yamane & Eliza Wangerin - Alternative Individuation: the non-understandable, ineffable way of East Asians
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Orit Sônia Waisman & Elana Lakh - Exploring symbolic work: Making art as a brick in the path to individuation
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Gustavo Pessoa & Carmen Livia Girade Parise - Complex Psychology or Jungian Analysis? From collective creativity to the authorship of an individual
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Katina Ellis, Sarah Gibson & Joy Norton - Navigating the spiral: activating core competencies through experience close learning in the ANZSJA Analytic Training.
- , Seezimmer 6 -
Walter Fonseca Boechat & H. Longo - The Black Books of C. G. Jung, the Imaginal World of Ibn Arabi and the Paradigm Crisis of Modern Science
- , Kongresssaal -
- Type of event
- Book launch
Publication accompanying the exhibition “Soul Landscapes. C.G. Jung and the Discovery of the Psyche in Switzerland” (in English and German)
- , Other locations -
Matthias Leutrum - Unions of Sames
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Marianne E. Meister-Notter - The stone and its ambiguous archetypal symbolism in Sandplay
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Pablo Raydan - Art as the high road to horror: a look at the non-comprehensibility of evil and horror
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Peter Holland - Acausal Connecting Principles in Analytical Psychology and Modern Physics: Quantum Entanglement, Bell’s Theorem, Schrödinger’s Cat and Synchronicity
- , Boardroom -
Milena Sotirova-Kohli - Quo Vadis Analytical Psychology: Jungian Theory and Practice in the times of embodiment research and the emergence of non-reductionistic psychological science
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Carlo Paolo Ruffino - Facing the Mystery in the Sandplay Therapy
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Oliver Dale & Andrew Howe - Reimagining the Self
- , Gartensaal 2 -
Apero picture collection at ISAPZURICH
- , Other locations -
Sarah Berry-Tschinkel - Dramatic reading
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Member's Gala
- , Other locations -
Friday, 29 Aug 2025 #
Sina Rees - Experiential Group: Gibberish Meditation: Expressing the Inexpressible
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Dominique Lepori & Jens Preil- Dream sharing - Once upon a time...
- , Gartensaal 1A -
- , Kongresssaal -
Kan Chen & Xiao You - Re-enchantment in Adolescent Psyche: Spiritual Experiences in Online Drama-Based Games (DBG), Anime and Dreams
- , Kongresssaal -
Coffee break
- , Kongresssaal -
Stefano Carta - Looking at us through their eyes. The analytical process from ethnographic perspectives
- , Kongresssaal -
Stefano Carpani - Jungianeum: Initiatives of Neo-Jungian Studies
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Muriel McMahon - "Ancestral Echoes and Paranormal Realms: A Convergence of Jungian, Indigenous, and Contemporary Psychotherapeutic Wisdom"
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Jolanta Kowal, Anna Bobrowicz, M. Giza, Kristina Węgłowska-Rzepa & Ewa Winkler - Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Jungian Analytical Therapy for Personality Disorders: A Comprehensive Study
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Paula Pantoja Boechat - Jungian Perspectives in Contemporary Systemic Family Therapy
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Andreas Dick - The Enneagram as a Universal Symbol - Parallels to Jung's Typology
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Su-Chen Hung & Y. Weng - The Illness Archetype Lives Within the Child Archetype: Play Therapy Process of a Physically Disabled and Domestic Violence Traumatized Child in Taiwan
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Hans van den Hooff - Analytical Psychology and Brain-Hemisphere Research
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Tristan Troudart - An archetypal earthquake: Collective trauma and mythology in Israeli society in a time of war and internal conflict
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
IAAP Outreach WP
- , Seezimmer 1C -
Murray Stein - A Proposal for a Panel of Former IAAP Presidents: Topic: “Can the IAAP maintain a sense of unity and collegiality in a severely divided world?”
- , Kongresssaal -
IAAP Research & Evaluation WG
- , Boardroom -
IAAP Training WP - Core competencies
- , Seezimmer 6 -
Betty Sacco German - Being a Jungian analyst in a time of a collective dissociation
- , Vortragssaal 2 -
Michael Escamilla - Infrared to Ultraviolet: Genetics, Neurobiology and Analytical Psychology
- , Vortragssaal 1 -
Eduardo Carvallo - Sacred Portals: Journey through the Ancestral Stones Of Latin America
- , Gartensaal 1A -
Katherine Killick - The birth of a symbol: the role art played in one analytic journey
- , Seezimmer 1B -
Andrés Ocazionez - Jung and the Making of the Psychological Subject
- , Gartensaal 1C -
Pedro Yscadar Rojas - Exploring with Analytical Psychology: Dreams, Personality Disorders, and Cultural Dynamics
- , Seezimmer 1A -
Pi-Chen Hsu & Chun-Yuan Chen- Experience of non-understandable and the re-creating of containing vessel: Infant Observation Amid the COVID19 Pandemic
- , Gartensaal 1B -
Coffee break
- , Kongresssaal -
Closing Ceremony
- , Kongresssaal -
Gala Dinner
- , Other locations